
4832 Highland Ave.

Downers Grove, IL 60515

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday to Friday

1st Grade Curriculum

Text: Finding God 
Students will learn through stories, activities, prayer, Scripture, song, discussion and reflection about their Catholic faith.  Catholic values are discussed and integrated in all subject areas.  The focus is on:

  • God, Our Creator and Father
  • Jesus, Our Lord and Savior
  • The Church, Our Community in the Spirit
  • Sacraments, Our Way of Life
  • Morality, Our Lived Faith
  • Common prayers and liturgy (Mass every Tuesday)

Texts: Go Math and IXL Online
Students acquire knowledge of math and the ability to apply math skills to solve problems through the use of the text, activities and hands-on experiences.  The students will:

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

  • Add and subtract numbers to 20 using strategies such as counting on/back, doubles, making ten, related facts, fact families, etc.
  • Understanding and applying strategies such as Commutative and Associative Properties
  • Solve simple word problems using addition and subtraction
  • Build fluency for addition and subtraction
  • Gain knowledge of place value

Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

  • Compare two-digit numbers using symbols <, > and =
  • Add and subtract two-digit numbers using models
  • Identify, write and order numbers to 120
  • Understand place value in two-digit numbers
  • Use objects, pictures and models to represent numbers to 120

Measurement and Data

  • Order objects by length
  • Construct and read charts, tables and graphs (picture graph, bar graph, tally graph, tables) and analyze and compare data shown on the graph
  • Read time to the hour and half-hour


  • Identify and describe two and three dimensional shapes according to their attributes
  • Compose a new shape by combining other shapes and decompose combined shapes into shapes
  • Identify equal and unequal parts of a shape
  • Partition shapes into 2 or 4 equal shares

Text: Wonders, McGraw-Hill 
Students will experience authentic literature in the form of fiction, nonfiction/informational, poetry, fantasies, folktales and plays.  Reading fluency will develop and improve as students begin to master skills including:

  • Linking spoken and written language
  • Develop vocabulary
  • Use blending and decoding strategies to read words
  • Read, listen to and discuss text
  • Read independently and develop reading fluency
  • Develop reading fluency
  • Identify point of view in a story
  • Identify author’s purpose in writing
  • Identify characters, setting, important events and beginning, middle and end in a story
  • Sequence of events in a story
  • Make and confirm predictions and inferences
  • Visualize main idea and details in a story
  • Draw conclusions
  • Use context clues
  • Summarize story events
  • Recognize cause and effect
  • Distinguish between reality and fantasy
  • Classify and categorize
  • Synonyms and antonyms
  • Compare and contrast
  • Contractions, abbreviations and compound words
  • Prefixes and suffixes
  • Introduce resources and begin to locate information
  • Self-appraise and self-correct while reading
  • Ask and answer questions about stories

Language Arts/Reading
Language Arts include reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, grammar and listening.

Students will use writing to convey meaning.  They will:

  • Use the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, publishing
  • Write effectively using words and pictures to convey thoughts
  • Write sentences about a topic (opinion, informative, narrative)
  • Apply spelling knowledge
  • Apply grammar (nouns, verbs, adjectives, contractions) in writing
  • Apply mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, complete sentences) in writing
  • Apply neat writing of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers

Students will learn to spell phonetic words and sight words and are to apply these words into their daily writing.  The weekly spelling list will be included in the Weekly Letter.

Students will blend and read words with consonants, short vowels, long vowels, irregular vowels, consonant blends and consonant digraphs.

Students will listen for understanding, follow directions and respond appropriately to the speaker/classmates.  They will use acquired language and vocabulary to express opinions and will:

  • Present material orally
  • Participate in discussions
  • Read and retell stories (summarize)

Text: Scott Foresman Science
Students learn through prediction, observation, questioning and explaining.  Students will learn about:

  • Plants and animals
  • Sound, light, heat
  • States of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
  • The earth, sun, moon and stars
  • Weather

Social Studies
Text/Resources: Social Studies Weekly Magazine, videos and oral discussion
Students will develop an awareness of their communities and important events.

  • Identify communities and community helpers
  • Explore important people in history
  • Describe jobs
  • Explore different cultures
  • Identify holidays
  • Describe families
  • Explore past and current events
  • Describe citizenship
  • Discuss patriotism
  • Describe principles of government and government services
  • Differentiate what happens in the past, present and future
  • Explore map skills

Physical Education
Students will:

  • Maintain personal fitness
  • Demonstrate gross-motor skills
  • Participate in cooperative games
  • Come dressed for class