
4832 Highland Ave.

Downers Grove, IL 60515

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Uniform Policy


Students are asked to appear clean and dressed accordingly to the following:

Uniform Requirements

Grades K-5

  • Plaid jumper no higher than 1” above the knee
  • Navy blue twill pants (with plain navy, black or brown belts grades 1-5)
  • White blouse or polo shirt with collar; long or short sleeved (no logo/decorations)
  • Solid red, white, navy, gray socks that cover the ankle, knee highs or black or navy tights (no decorations)

Grades 6-8

  • Plaid skirt must be worn at the waist and no higher than 1” above the knee
  • Khaki twill pants worn with plain navy, black or brown belts
  • Navy blue blouse or polo shirt with collar; long or short sleeve (no logo/decorations)
  • Solid red, white, navy, gray socks that cover the ankle, knee highs or black or navy tights (no decorations)

Grades K-5

  • Navy blue twill pants (with plain navy, black or brown belts grades 1-5)
  • Light blue polo long or short sleeve (no logo/decorations)

Grades 6-8

  • Khaki twill pants worn with plain navy, black or brown belts
  • Navy blue polo long or short sleeve (no logo/decorations)

Uniform Approved Sweatshirts                                                       

  • Only the navy quarter zip or navy crewneck sweatshirts with SJS logo are uniform approved for wear during the school day.
  • Any other sweatshirt or fleece is considered Spirit Wear.
    • The navy quarter zip and navy crew sweatshirt with SJS logo are available through Dennis Uniform.
    • A variety of SJS Spirit Wear sweatshirts are available through PS Signs.


Shoes must be modest and simple. Dress shoes, including Sperry shoes, that tie/buckle or loafers in black, dark brown, tan or navy or athletic/gym shoes that are 80-100% the following colors may be worn: black, navy, gray, brown or white. Shoelaces must be black, gray, white or navy blue. No plaid or designs. No boots, heels, high tops, flip flops, Crocs, sling back, platform or light up shoes are allowed.

Gym Uniforms
Grades K-5 wear their gym uniforms to school on gym days; Grades 6-8 will change into their gym uniforms at school. The following apparel is required in order to participate:

  • Black SJS shorts or navy sweatpants
  • Grey SJS t-shirt
  • Athletic shoes
  • Girls may wear navy blue leggings under the gym shorts Nov 1 through Mar 1

Other Requirements

  • Blouses and shirts must be tucked in at all times.
  • Belts must be worn in Grades 1-8 if the apparel has belt loops.
  • Appropriate hairstyles are required for both boys and girls. Boys hair should be no longer than collar length. Trendy hairstyles and “sparkly” hair accessories are not allowed. Hair color shall remain natural; highlights are not allowed.
  • Pajama bottoms are not allowed in school.
  • One simple religious necklace OR bracelet may be worn on non-gym days. Girls may wear one pair of simple non-dangling earrings on lower earlobe only.
  • Wristbands are not to be worn unless the school approves a special cause for a limited time.
  • Makeup is not permitted in PreK – 8.
  • Girls may wear nail polish that is simple and one color. Nails should be short and nail polish should not be chipped. Gel, fake, acrylic, etc. nails are not allowed.

Warm Weather Uniform Requirements 

Students may wear warm weather uniform from the start of the school year until November 1 and April 1 until the end of the school year. The warm weather uniform includes grade specific uniform requirements as noted above plus the following grade specific options.

Navy blue twill shorts no higher than 1” above the knee (with plain navy, black or brown belts belts grades 1-5)

Khaki twill shorts no higher than 1” above the knee worn with plain navy, black or brown belts

Students may wear athletic shoes and navy, black or white ankle length or crew socks

Cold Weather Recess
Students should have proper protection from the weather. On cold and or windy days when the weather can be threatening to uncovered skin, students not wearing leg coverings will be required to stay inside for recess.

Spirit Wear
The second Friday of each month, students may wear SJS spirit wear tops (shirts, Sweatshirts, sweaters, jackets, etc.) with uniform bottoms.

8th Grade Class Shirts
8th graders may wear their class t-shirts on Mondays.

Out-of-Uniform Days
Students may wear school-appropriate clothing on specified Out-of-Uniform days; jeans and sports pants are acceptable, no leggings or jeggings unless under a dress top.

Birthday Out-of-Uniform Days
When it is a student’s birthday, they may come to school out-of-uniform, as a “gift” from the administration. Students may wear school-appropriate clothing on specified Out-of-Uniform days; jeans and sweat or athletic pants are acceptable, no leggings or jeggings unless under a dress top. If the birthday falls on a weekend, then students can come out-of-uniform on the Friday before. If the birthday falls on a break, including Christmas and Easter, the student may choose a day close to those breaks to come to school out-of-uniform. Summer birthdays will celebrate on their half-birthday.

School Uniforms

Dennis Uniform
1141 N. Main Street
Lombard, IL 60148
Order online at www.dennisuniform.com; SJS School Code: GJSGL

Dennis Uniform is our source for our school approved jumper, skirt, navy quarter zip and crew neck sweatshirts with SJS logo. In addition, they sell shirts, pants, and shorts that meet SJS uniform code, however, purchasing these items from Dennis Uniform is not required.

Gym Uniforms

SJS branded gym shirts and shorts are ordered at the beginning of the school year as a fundraising initiative. Please contact the school office if additional items are needed throughout the school year.

Spirit Wear

PS Signs & Apparel
Note new address!
6242 Main Street
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 852-4040
Order online at: www.pssigns.com/sjs

Uniform Exchange

Gently used school uniforms are donated back to SJS and available to all students. Inventory varies but typically includes uniform-approved shirts, shorts, pants, skirts, jumpers, gym shirts and shorts, and Spirit Wear items.  Access to the Uniform Exchange is available during normal office hours.