Religion class will be taught daily. Our Goals:
- To develop personal and ongoing relationship with God
- To build reverence for and knowledge of Holy Scripture
- Purposeful emphasis on Catholic practices, images and models of faith
- Incorporate five forms of prayer in each student’s personal devotion
- Encourage family devotion
- Stress Christian values
- Genres include all Fiction/Literature and Nonfiction
- 7-8 New Vocabulary Words each week
- Listening Comprehension Skills – Read aloud & Model Oral Fluency
- Focus Skills (Examples: Plot, Conflict Resolution)
- Thinking Comprehension Skills (Examples: Summarizing, Questioning, Author’s Purpose)
- Novel Studies: Reinforces Comprehension Strategies & Focus Skills, Includes weekly vocabulary
- Time for Kids Magazine: Non-fiction Informational text and Comprehension Packets to help supplement Standards
- Book Reports: 3 reports due per quarter
- Silent Reading Books: All students are expected to have a silent reading book with them at all times
- Each Lesson Words are given as a weekly handout
- 5th Grade uses the Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop
- Unit C – Earth Science
- The Changing Earth
- The Earth’s Resources
- Climate
- Astronomy
- Unit A – Life Science
- Comparing Living Things
- Reproduction and Change
- Adaptations
- Ecology
- Unit C Physical Science
- Classifying Matter
- Investigating Motion
- Forms of Energy
- Electrical Energy
- Numbers and Operations in Base 10
- Estimating, Place Value, Operations with Whole Numbers and Decimals
- Multiply and Divide, Powers of 10, Divide by 2-digit numbers
- Decimal Division
- Partial Product & Quotients & Area Models
- Factors and Multiples & Patterns
- Prime and Composite
- Numbers and Operations as Fractions
- Fractions on a number line, visually, comparing and ordering
- Making Equivalent Fractions & Simplifying
- Greatest Common Factor (GCF) & Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Add/Subtract: UnLike Denominators
- Mixed Number Addition and Subtraction with Renaming
- Multiply Fractions
- Dividing Whole Numbers by Fractions
- Relate Fractions to Decimals
- Comparing & Ordering Decimals
- Geometry
- Polygons: Quadrilaterals, Triangles, Angles
- Perimeter & Area
- Volume
- 3-Dimensional Prisms and Pyramids
- Measurement
- Line Plot, Graphing on Coordinate grid
- Converting Customary Units
- Converting Metric Units
- Elapsed Time
- Operations & Algebraic Thinking
- Solve Using a variable, Numerical Patterns and Analyzing Relationship
- Equations, Order of Operations
- Test Improvement Packet (TIP) allowed per Quarter for tests below 70%
Social Studies
Early Life, East and West
- Life in the Western Hemisphere
- Native Americans of North America
- Life in the Eastern Hemisphere
Connections Across Continents
- Spain Builds an Empire
- The Struggle to Found Colonies
Colonial Life in North America
- Life in the English Colonies
- The Fight for a Continent
The American Revolution
- The Road to War
- Winning the Revolution
Life in a New Nation
- Forming a New Nation
- The Young United States
A Growing Nation
- Time of Change
- People Moving South and West
War Divides the Nation
- A Divided Nation
- War and Reconstruction
Expansion and Change
- Crossing the Continent
- Into the Twenty-First Century
Language Arts
Grammar and Mechanics
- Types of Sentences
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Pronouns
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
Writing / Emphasis on 6-traits of Writing
- Personal Narrative
- Comparative
- Persuasive
- Explanatory
- Expository
- Various responses to informational texts
Building Skills
- Note taking and summarizing
- Informal outlining
- Vocabulary
- Fact and opinion
- Test taking strategies
- Using reference materials
Composition Skills
- Identify main idea and detail
- Writing leads and endings
- Organization
- Writing dialogue
- Revise and editing