Welcome to the
St. Joseph Crusaders Sports Program
The information contained in this handbook has been compiled and approved by the Athletic and Booster Committee. It is intended to provide an overview of the St. Joseph School sports program and serve as a reference throughout the year.
Overview and Philosophy
The Athletic and Booster Committee is an all-volunteer organization that funds and administers the interscholastic athletic program at St Joseph Catholic Grade School. Any child in grades 5th – 8th who is a student at St. Joseph school is eligible to participate in the program, provided that they register by the established deadline. The number of players per team is reviewed for each grade level. A “no cut policy” means that every child who wants to participate is placed on a team. The program includes boys’ football, girls’ volleyball, basketball, and cross-country & track for both boys and girls. Instructional clinics for 4th graders are scheduled when time is available throughout the school year.
In 1994 the Athletic and Booster Committee had the foresight to adopt the Young Athletes Bill of Rights. All of our student athletes have the following rights when parents involve them in sports settings.
- The right to have an opportunity to participate in sports regardless of ability level.
- The right to participate at a level commensurate with the child’s development level.
- The right to have qualified leadership and adult supervision.
- The right to participate in a safe and healthy environment.
- The right to play as a child and not as an adult.
- The right to properly prepare for participation in sports.
- The right for equal opportunity to strive for success.
- The right to be treated with dignity and respect by all involved.
- The right to have fun through sports.
(Adopted from the AMA)
Program Guidelines and Goals
The constitution and bylaws of the St. Joseph Athletic and Booster Committee form the basis for the organization and administration of the program. In addition, the Interscholastic Athletic Guidelines from the Diocese of Joliet Catholic School’s office, the Constitution and Bylaws of the DuPage Parochial Basketball League and the DuPage Parochial Volleyball Association also known as DPL League and guidelines from the Suburban Parochial League (football and track and cross-country teams) provide additional input and reference. Copies of the above documents can be reviewed in the school office.
The Athletic and Booster Committee establishes goals for each year with input from the Athletic Director and principal.
Mission Statement
The St. Joseph Athletic and Booster Committee is an all-volunteer organization that funds and administers the athletic program at St. Joseph School. The goals of the program include skill development, self-confidence, team loyalty, and self-discipline as well as physical, spiritual and social growth. Athletes, coaches and parents are expected to promote Christian ideals and good sportsmanship, both on and off the playing field or court. Parental involvement and support are integral aspects of the program.
Athletic and Booster Committee Goals
- Organize and manage an athletic program for all 5th-8th grade students that enables skill development and physical, spiritual and social growth and is in accordance with diocesan goals and guidelines.
- Provide a schedule and atmosphere that assists students and parents in establishing priorities consistent with the school and parish philosophies.
- Communicate and promote expectations regarding sportsmanship and the role of St. Joseph athletics relative to the school’s philosophy to all players, coaches, parents, and spectators. Reinforce positive instruction by coaches and parents.
- Work with Parent Forum, School Board, and Parish Council in promoting St. Joseph School within the parish community.
- Manage funds in a manner consistent with diocesan policy. Budget and plan for capital expenditures, gym improvements and uniform replacement (long range plan).
- Use actual expenses from previous season to prepare next year’s budget. Evaluate fee based on actual budget numbers from previous year and any expenditures needed based on long range plan.
- Maintain current and develop new programs to ensure recognition of all participants and to promote school spirit and pride (including sport recognition ceremonies and homecoming activities).
- Continue to recruit/involve as coaches persons who do not have children playing on St. Joseph teams.
- Encourage involvement of all parents of students athletes in activities related to the sports program (coaching, committee help, Homecoming, Block Party, Forever Green and raffle).
- Improve and maintain open communication with Principal, Pastor, and Parents.
- Encourage the utilization of appropriate channels for voicing concerns.
- Continue fundraising activities that keep family participation fees reasonable.
- Maintain and refine current evaluation process for evaluating players for team splits.
- Work with PE teacher to ensure consistency between skills taught in PE program and by coaches.
- Update constitution and bylaws to be consistent with Diocesan policy
- Enhance coaches’ handbook to provide consistent information to all coaches regarding policies and expectations when coaching a St. Joseph team.
A “pay per sport” fee structure will continue to be used for the upcoming season. A late fee
$25 is assessed for any registrations received after the deadline. Additional charges are made for uniforms or equipment that is not returned at the end of the season. No child will be denied the opportunity to participate due to financial circumstances. Parental support in the form of volunteer help is necessary. Parents are asked to sign a volunteer commitment form upon registering. An additional fee of $50 is charged to families unable to volunteer in one of the special activities (Block Party, Forever Green).
Program expenses of about $70,000 have been budgeted for the upcoming school year. This includes league, tournament and officials fees, gym and field use and rental fees, allocations for capital improvements, uniforms and equipment, and athlete’s awards. The athletic program does not receive any funds from the general school or parish budgets.
Funding for the program comes from a variety of sources. In addition to registration fees, additional sources of funds include income from game admission fees and concession sales, fundraising done in conjunction with funds raised from the annual Forever Green Dance and Raffle. The largest single source of income is the Forever Green Dinner/Dance and Raffle.
Volunteer Support
Heavy reliance on a strong volunteer base is an integral part of the success of the program. All coaches and committee members are volunteers. Parents are asked to commit time to efforts necessary to support the program and fundraising efforts. A volunteer commitment form is included in the registration packet. Each family is asked to volunteer their time at either the Athletic & Booster sponsored Forever Green Dinner/Dance or Parish Picnic/block party. Families unable to fulfill this commitment will be assessed a $50 charge. Please be generous with your time so that our program’s success can continue.
Persons interested in coaching a particular sport should contact the appropriate sports coordinator to obtain a coaching application. Coaches, head or assistant, must have completed the Diocese approved Protecting God’s Children course in order to run practices and coach in games. More information for those interested in serving on the committee can be obtained from the Athletic Director.
Gym Etiquette
Please discuss the following with your athlete(s) and younger children.
- All safety mats (blue and green) are off limits during practices and games.
- Pads for the end of the bleachers are for safety of the players. If they are knocked off they should be placed back on the end of the bleacher. They are not to be thrown or played with.
- Jumping off the bleachers is unsafe and not allowed. Fans need to be seated on the bleachers and not walking back and forth along the sidelines during the game.
- Playing in the bathrooms is not allowed.
- Cheering should be positive and not distracting to the players or teams.
- If children are at the gym to watch a team or game, they should be in the gym and not playing in the hallway or outside unsupervised.
- Spectators should remain off of the playing court during breaks in the game/match.
An Athletic and Booster “Gym Monitor” is on duty at all times and will address problems with spectators as needed.
Uniforms are provided to each child for the duration of the respective sports season. There is no charge for the use of the uniform use provided they are returned in good condition. If uniforms are not returned or returned in unusable condition, the charge is $55 per volleyball or basketball uniform. Parents of football players are responsible for purchasing their son’s game jersey. This jersey is the players to keep. Depending on the growth of each player and personal care each jersey should last a couple of years.
Playing Time
Playing time guidelines are outlined as follows. By nature this is a very sensitive issue. It is the program’s intent to provide each player with a rewarding experience. Our program is designed to be instructional on the 5th & 6th grade levels. The 7th & 8th grade programs are instructional but competitive by design. The goal of the program is to provide a valuable experience on all levels, have fun, and improve the spiritual, social, and physical skill level of each athlete. We will make every attempt to make your child feel a part of the team.
Football –If necessary, additional games and/or scrimmages will be organized to accommodate all participants depending on the number of participants, schedule, and field availability.
Volleyball – 15 points/per match
Basketball – time equal to one quarter of each regulation game.
Track – 1 event each meet
There are situations that a coach must use discretion in applying these guidelines. All coaches are informed of these guidelines when they agree to coach. Situations such as absence from games and/or practices or inappropriate conduct at team activities may necessitate adjustments to these guidelines. Open communication with the coach is the best way to address concerns that may arise. As stated in the bylaws of the Athletic and Booster Committee, the coach has the responsibility and authority to set goals, teach the sport, plan the strategy, and control the practices along with the normal coaching responsibilities.
Recognition of Athletes
Award ceremonies are held at the completion of each sport season. All participants receive an award. Coaches and parents should not purchase any additional awards or items for a team (for example, but not limited to trophies, t-shirts, warm-ups etc.). The schedule is as follows:
Large J – The first time they participate in any sport
Football, volleyball, basketball or track pin (to be placed on the letter) – the first season the child participates in the respective sport. An additional pin or bar will be given for a subsequent season a child participates in a sport for which they have already received a pin.
The publicity coordinator schedules a sports photographer to take team and individual photos for football, volleyball and basketball teams. Picture envelopes are distributed to each player prior to the picture day so that the parent may order photos if desired. The team photos appear each year in the yearbook.
Practice Schedules
Football – practices are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at Gilbert Park typically between 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Volleyball – practices at St Joe’s gym usually twice a week.
Basketball – Practices at St Joe’s and other area gyms. Schedule obtained from coach.
Cross-Country- practices are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (O’Brien Park).
Communication Channels
The Committee encourages and supports open and frequent communication between parents and coaches. Coaches are expected to have a coaches’ meeting at the beginning of each season. Please talk to your child’s coach first if you have a question or problem. If the matter cannot be solved at that level, the next step is to talk with the coordinator of the particular sport. At this point you may be asked to submit a written record of your concern to the sports coordinator who will forward it through the appropriate channels. Finally the Athletic Director may be contacted if satisfactory resolution is not achieved at previous levels. The committee does maintain regular contact with the Principal and they will be informed of problems that have been addressed through the appropriate channels.
Inappropriate forms of communication include spreading gossip and/or rumors. Names, phone numbers and emails of Committee Members are enclosed for your reference.
Expectations of Student/Athletes
Any student who is suspended from school for behavior will also be suspended from one day of the following weekend games. In other words for every one day a student misses school because of suspension he/she will miss one day of games over the immediate weekend.
Conduct oneself in a manner consistent with the St. Joseph School Standards to Live By:
- No put downs
- Active listening
- Trust
- Truth
- Personal Best
-Respect property of self and others – including bathrooms, locker rooms, and equipment.
-Come to practice and games prepared mentally and with proper equipment.
-Manage time to allow for completion of school assignments.
-Inform coach of any absence as early as possible. No athlete will be allowed to participate in practice in the event he/she is absent from school that day due to illness.
Academic Standards for Sport Participation
It is imperative that our students apply themselves fully to their academic studies. We recognize that student achievement must be fostered and encouraged. Therefore, the following must apply:
- All student athletes are required to maintain a C- average per class (78%-77)
- Grades will be checked 2 weeks into the quarter and every week following.
- If a student has a grade lower than a C- in any class they will have a 1 week grace period to make up any work or retake any assignment. Students may practice or play games during this time.
- Grades will be checked the following Monday. Upon receiving notification of a grade that continues to be lower than a C-, student(s) will be put on academic probation for 1 week or until the student achieves the required C- average. During this probation, student(s) will not be able to practice or participate in any game with the team. The student will still be able to attend the game following parents and coaches discretion.
- Any student with an Individualized Education Program(IEP), a 504, a Documented Service Plan, or any other established learning difficulty will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Expectations of Parents
Registration Forms – Fees and waivers for any athlete participating in football, volleyball and basketball need to be postmarked before the registration deadline as indicated on the website and online registration pages to ensure placement on a team. Forms received after the deadline may result in student being placed on waiting lists.
Physicals – All physicals should be turned in to the school office prior to the deadline (Mid July). No student will be allowed to try out or play on a team without having a current physical on file in the school office.
Attend Parent Meeting
Sportsmanship – Parents shall at all times, through word and example, promote Christian ideas and good sportsmanship both on and off the field of competition. Parents shall refrain from behavior which would cause embarrassment to the parish, its members, coaches, and most important of all, our children. Please monitor the behavior of siblings at games – playing outside the gym without supervision and jumping off bleachers and mats at the end of the gym, and climbing or hanging on chin up bars is not allowed for safety reasons. Playing in the lobby is not allowed.
Attendance – As a courtesy, parents are asked to please notify the coach in advance if a player will miss a practice or game. Do not depend on another player to relay the information to the coach. This allows for better planning and utilization of practice times and provides assurance that the needed number of players will be at a game. During basketball season, gym space is rented from outside sources. This costs anywhere from $30-$90 an evening. If a coach does not have enough players for an effective practice due to “no show-no call” the money is not well spent. It’s hard to find a coach who can use an extra practice time at the last minute. The logistics of locking and unlocking the gym because of a last minute unused practice time is very complicated. Parents – please help your children plan their time appropriately so they get their homework done in time to get to practice. Appointments such as doctor, dentist, etc. should be scheduled around practice time. Other activities should be evaluated to determine conflicts and discussed with the coach.
Volunteer Opportunities – Parents are also asked to work at least one major committee event (Parish Picnic or Forever Green Dance/Raffle). An extra fee of $50 will be charged to those unable to make this commitment. All parents of track participants are needed to assist at meets. Football parents are required to assist at home games, concessions, chain gang, etc. Any parent wanting to work with the Athletic program must attend a “Protecting God’s Children” seminar and complete the background check.
Equipment – parents will be financially responsible for all equipment issued. Special laundering instructions will be provided as necessary for basketball and volleyball uniforms.
Transportation – Parents are responsible for providing rides to and from games and
practices for their children. Carpools are very common. Please be prompt in dropping off and picking up your child for practices. Coaches usually request that the children arrive early for games –check with each coach for specifics. In regards to transportation, the Diocese has issued the following guidelines:
- The driver must be 21 years of age or older.
- The driver must have a valid non-probationary driver’s license and no physical disability that could in any way impair his/her ability to drive the vehicle safely.
- The vehicle must have a valid and current registration and valid and current license plates.
- The vehicle must be insured for the following minimum limits:
$100,000 per person/$300,000 per occurrence
Support Your Child – Your presence at games is welcomed and encouraged. Come out and cheer for your child’s team and get to know the other parents. Children also need help managing their time to allow for completion of schoolwork and getting proper rest and nutrition.
Parents of athletes are asked to work at least one of the major activities/year in addition to admission/concession time. An additional charge of $50/family is assessed if unable to fulfill this commitment.
Parish Block Party
The Committee’s responsibility is to sell drinks for this annual event. Help is needed!
Football Game, Field Setup, Chain Gang, etc. (August – October)
Volunteers are needed during football games for announcing, spotting from the press box, field set up, “chain gang”, concessions, and field clean up. Specific times for each family to work will be available when game schedules are finalized.
Homecoming (September TBA)
This fall weekend activity is scheduled around a home football game (September 22nd). Attempts are made to have home volleyball games also scheduled. Alumni are invited to attend the festivities and to be recognized for their accomplishments. A variety of special activities are scheduled to coincide with this tradition. Volunteers are needed to help organize and run these activities.
Forever Green Dinner (October)
This fundraiser is a longstanding tradition of the Athletic and Booster Committee and serves as the major source of income for the athletic program. This celebration, complete with food and music, is held on a Saturday evening in October each year. The Forever Green Raffle is held in conjunction with the dinner. All school parents receive raffle tickets and are encouraged to sell or buy at least a minimum of tickets.
Girls’ volleyball is played in the fall and is open to all 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls. All grade levels play in the DuPage Parochial League (DPL). Teams in 5th and 6th grades play ten-season matches in the league, while the 7th and 8th grade has a 12 match season. Playoff matches follow at the end of the regular season. The volleyball season runs from the middle of August to the middle of November.
Teams are split every year at each grade level according to ability into A and B divisions. Returning players are not guaranteed to be on the same team level as the previous year. Players are evaluated at a tryout by outside evaluators in the early part of June preceding the fall season. Top rated players will be placed on the A team and the remainder will be placed on a B team. If more than one A or B team is necessary, the teams will be divided equally. In addition, 7th and 8th grade teams will be divided taking players’ positions into consideration.
Practices are held twice weekly for each team/grade level at the St. Joseph Gym. The players are expected to attend ALL practices and the player is responsible for calling her coach in the event of an absence. It is at the coach’s discretion whether or not a girl will play in a match if she has missed practice(s). This will be determined by the reason for the missed practice.
DPL games are played every weekend on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday with home games at St. Joseph Gym and away games at the opponent’s gym. As with all team sports, attendance is essential. If a player has another obligation on game day, she should give her coach advance notice so that the coach may fill the vacancy if necessary. Vacancies are filled in accordance with league guidelines.
All teams may play in tournaments outside of league play. Tournaments are entered based on availability and/or invitation. Players are notified immediately of tournaments for their grade level. There is no cost to the player for entering a tournament. Tournaments are considered part of the volleyball season and attendance is mandatory for all team players. A commitment to being on the team assumes parent and player agreement with this policy.
Volleyball mini-camps are held in August for all grades. These camps are not mandatory but are strongly recommended. The cost for the mini-camp is minimal. Camps are conducted by the grade level coaches and at times by a guest volleyball specialist. Players are encouraged to attend other camps and clinics throughout the year.
DuPage Parochial Volleyball Association
Sportsmanship Mission Statement
The schools of the DuPage Parochial Volleyball Association consider good sportsmanship to be one of the important rewards of healthy competition. DuPage Parochial Volleyball Association coaches, athletes, administrators, teachers, parents, athletic boards, and school boards support and demonstrate good sportsmanship. Nothing less is expected of the fans that attend our games. So cheer your team. Recognize good performance by others. Know the rules of the games. Enjoy your part of the contest. Have fun representing your school and the DuPage Parochial Volleyball Association. Thank you for demonstrating good sportsmanship the DuPage Parochial Volleyball Association way!
Our football team is entered in the Suburban Parochial Football League (SPFL or http://www.spfl.org ). The Junior Varsity is made up of 5th and 6th grade and the Varsity is 7th and 8th grade. Home games are played at Montini Catholic High School. Away games are according to the schedule. The JV games generally start at 10:00 am, followed by a “B” game at approximately 11:30 am. The “B” game is played depending upon our opponents’ ability to field a “B” team. All players regardless of grade are eligible to play in the “B” game and it will be used by the coaches to help players develop their skills in game situations. The Varsity game follows the JV game and generally starts at 1pm. Following the Varsity game, there will be a Varsity “B” game. All team members are expected to attend the “B” game to support their teammates. There are 7 regular season games with a post-season tournament based on the season record. All games are on Sunday unless noted.
During the game season, the football players attend the Saturday 5:00 Mass as a team. Anyone who has attended this Mass knows it’s a great way to show school spirit as well as Team unity. It also continues to support our commitment to the sacrament since our games are played on Sundays.
After the school year begins, football practices are on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 6-8pm at Gilbert Park in Downers Grove. Bug spray and water are suggested for all players. Before school starts, practices will be Monday- Friday, and may run until 8:30pm on some nights. Players are expected to attend all practices, as this is crucial in preparing for game situations. Absences from practice may impact playing time guidelines, and is determined at the discretion of the coach and coordinator. Playing time will be FAIR, but may not be EQUAL.
Football mini-camp is held in the last two weeks of July and is not mandatory, but highly recommended. The first day of team workouts will be in August.
Weigh-ins are conducted several times throughout the season. Weight limits for ball carriers are 105 pounds and below for 5-6th graders and 135 pounds and below for 7-8th graders. Specific information regarding time and place of weigh-ins will be communicated by the coaches.
Equipment is reconditioned or repurchased each year as appropriate to ensure the safety of the players. Each player is sized prior to the season to ensure proper fit. In addition, coaches work with the players on safety issues. Players will purchase a game jersey which will be theirs to keep and unless torn, can be used all four years of St. Joseph football. Football shoes, mouth guards and athletic supporters are the only equipment the players must provide for themselves. However it is strongly recommended that players have some rib protection. Football America (footbalamerica.com) is a great source of youth football equipment and protective gear.
We strongly rely on parental support of this program to: sell concessions, grill food, set up the field on game day, announcing, spotting from the press box, videotaping, and of course, the “chain gang”, and field clean up.
Communications to families will always be done via email, and also by the Football Blog on the school website.
Locations of the football fields for away games can be obtained by accessing the football league website or from a link on the St. Joseph School website.
St. Joseph School is a member of the Suburban Parochial League for track and field. The league consists of 21 teams representing 25 schools in the western suburbs.
Track is open to all 5th through 8th grade girls and boys. Students participate in both running and field events. These include sprint, distance and relay races, hurdles (Varsity), long jump, triple jump, high jump, shot put, javelin (JV) and discus (Varsity).
On-line registration for track will take place in February. Related information can be viewed on our track & field web site, http://sjstrack.blogspot.com.
Practice begins mid-March, with usually three practices per week held at the school gym or the track at Downers Grove North HS. Meets are held at high school and college tracks in the western suburbs. The meets usually are scheduled on five consecutive Saturdays from mid-April to mid-May, with the last meet being the League Championship. The Junior Varsity (5th and 6th grades) meets typically run from 8-11:30 am and Varsity (7th and 8th grades) from noon to 3:30.
Students of all skill levels are encouraged to join and to try all of the various events. Coaches emphasize teamwork, sportsmanship and individual goals. Parents are expected to help out at one meet each season in either the morning or afternoon session.
Cross -country
The St. Joseph School Cross Country team will have its fourth season this fall of 2014. We hope that many kids come out and enjoy distance running. We had a great inaugural season in the fall of 2011 and look forward to lots of fun and another good season in the upcoming years.
Practices: Tentatively start in mid-August. Practices will likely begin around 5:30 to 6:30pm three days per week: Mondays and Wednesdays at O’Brien Park, and Thursdays at Whitlock Park. We also hope to have pre-race pasta meals on Thursday evenings before the 5 races. This schedule is subject to the coaches’ work schedules.
Have your child bring a water bottle to every practice.
Participants: Boys and Girls, 5th to 8th grade at St. Joe’s. This will be a no-cut, co-ed team, similar to the Track team in the spring.
The parents’ meeting is held prior to the start of the season, usually early August. If you miss it, just call or email one of the coaches with your questions.
League Meets are on five consecutive Saturdays beginning in early September at approximately 9:00 am.
Race distances: 5th grade: 1 mile. 6th grade: 1.5 miles. 7th and 8th grade: 2 miles.
Two sport participants: A&B will allow students to play two sports, such as Volleyball and Cross- country or Football and Cross- country. If there is a conflict with practice or game/race times, Volleyball and Football take precedence.
Philosophy: Cross Country is about fitness, nutrition, doing one’s best, supporting teammates, and having fun. Slow, medium, or fast, we will help your children run the best times they can and set personal records over the 8 week season from early August to early October.
Length of Season. The season starts in early-November and ends by mid-March.
Practices. We will schedule two practices per week, with each practice lasting 1 ¼ hour to 1 ½ hours. The day of the week, time of day, and location of practices will vary depending on gym availability and the coach’s time and day preferences. Practices are held Monday through Friday beginning at 3:30 p.m. and ending at 9:00 p.m.
Practice Locations. Practices may include, but not limited to the following locations: St. Joseph; Hobson Road Community Church (on Hobson west of Belmont); El Sierra School (68th & Fairmount); Elizabeth Ide School (on Manning Road and Fairview – which is south of 75th street); Maercker School ( 59th and Cass), Montini High School, and Avery Coonley School (55th and Maple).
Number of Games. All teams participate in the DuPage Parochial League (DPL). The games are played on Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon, and Sunday afternoon, with one or two games per weekend. Fifth graders play a maximum of 15 games, 6th graders play a maximum of 20 games, and 7th and 8th graders play a maximum of 26 games.
Location of Games. The DPL home games are played at St. Joe’s and away games are played around the western suburbs.
Tournaments. Decisions to enter tournaments are made by the coaches and basketball coordinators. Scheduling of tournaments depends on many factors, including availability, compatibility with current schedule, and level of competition. Players are expected to attend all scheduled tournaments. Sometimes opportunities come up quickly and we do not always know in advance the level of competition.
Number of Teams. The number of teams depends on the number of students who register by the deadline. All students who register by the May registration deadline will be placed on a team. Students registered after the deadline will be placed on a waiting list and placed on a team if there is space.
Placement of Students on Teams. In September, all students will be evaluated on their basketball skills in order to place students on a team with others of equal ability. The top rated players will be placed on the A team, and the remainder will be on the B team. If there are enough players for 2 B teams, the teams will be evenly divided based on ability.
Coaches. The sports program at St. Joseph is an all-volunteer organization, including coaches. Generally, the coaches are parents but can be anyone knowledgeable in basketball. Coaches, head or assistant, must have completed the Diocese approved Protecting God’s children course in order to run practices and coach in games. Coaching assignments are made after the player evaluations have taken place. If you are interested, or know of someone interested in coaching, call Brooks Boyer, 630-737-0701.
Playing Time. Each student will play at least one quarter per game. Playing time could be less, however, depending on attendance at practices and games.
Additional Information. If you have any questions or comments, please call Brooks Boyer at 630-737-0701.
Penalties for Flagrant and Technical Fouls. A&B’s expectation is for St. Joe’s players and coaches to maintain the highest degree of sportsmanship at all times. We have chosen to modify the DPL rules with regard to technical and flagrant fouls. Decisions are made based on the total number of technical and/or flagrant fouls per year for a player or coach, not the number of fouls incurred in each separate league or tournament.
If a coach or player is called for a technical or flagrant foul during a game, the coach must report the incident to one of the basketball coordinators or the Athletic Director within 24 hours of the game ending. The coordinator(s) will investigate in an attempt to understand the scope and depth of the infraction. In the sole discretion of the basketball coordinators and in conjunction with the Athletic Director, a decision will be made on the necessary disciplinary actions for the player or coach. If the infraction is not reported, an immediate suspension will be handed down. All decisions of the basketball coordinators and Athletic Director are final. As a matter of discipline, the following actions may be handed down:
1 technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct (first offense) = 1 game suspension
1 technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct (additional offense) = 2 game suspension
All flagrant fouls (personal and/or technical) = minimum 2 game suspension although may be more depending on severity.
1 technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct (first offense) = 2 game suspension
1 technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct (second offense) = 4 game suspension
1 technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct (third offense) = 1 year suspension
2 technical fouls issued concurrently (same incident) = same as 1 technical foul plus ejection from game
2 non-concurrent technical fouls in one game = 4 game suspension and ejection from game
We expect coaches to report all flagrant or technical fouls to a basketball coordinator. Failure to report a technical or flagrant foul within 24 hours or before the team’s next game, whichever comes first, will subject the coach to a 2 game suspension.
The schools of the DuPage Parochial Basketball Association consider good sportsmanship to be one of the important values that we try to teach our student athletes. The Association’s administrators, coaches, athletes and school principals are committed to supporting and demonstrating good sportsmanship. Nothing less is expected from the fans who attend our games, and those who fail to comply will be dealt with in a firm, appropriate manner.
Please, be a good sport! Cheer for your team and recognize the good performance by others. Know the rules of the game. Enjoy your part of the contest and remember that grade school basketball is a learning experience for everyone. Coaches will err, players will make mistakes, and referees will sometimes see things differently than the fans. Please keep in mind that everyone is putting forth personal effort to make the contest a positive experience; appreciate their efforts rather than condemning them. It is important that you don’t interfere or get over-involved with the actions of the coaches, players, and game officials. Be a good representative of your school!
Thank you!
2014-15 Athletic and Booster Committee
Athletic Director: John Baldwin jbaldwin@sjsdg.org 630-310-0343(C)
630-969-4300 x2110(W)
Treasurer: Ann Ryniec annryniec@comcast.net 630-963-8671
Secretary: Tracy Nehls tc1717@comcast.net 630-207-0498
On-Line Ann Ryniec annryniec@comcast.net 630-963-8671
Basketball Brooks Boyer bboyer@chisox.com 312-771-7721
Coordinators: John Porcelli John.Porcelli@Dupagemd.com 630-337-6691
Volleyball Kim Harbauer kimharbauer@icloud.com 630-336-9863
Coordinators: Erin Moore erinmoore4400@att.net 630-991-0223
Football Bob Marciniak Bobby.marciniak@gmail.com 630-258-1350
Track Steve Harris harrisdgi@gmail.com 630-852-7369
Cross-Country: Ann Schreiber aschreibes@aol.com
Concessions: Nicole Gates mommo2@comcast.net 630-435-1008
Uniforms & Awards: Maureen Casey maureen.sean.casey@sbcglobal.net
Special Events: Diane Cook dianevlahos@gmail.com 630-390-8393
Football Amy Marciniak a.marciniak@comcast.net 630-971-1962
Concessions: Carolyn Wind drbronke1@aol.com 630-963-7032