
4832 Highland Ave.

Downers Grove, IL 60515

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Sports Registration

St. Joe’s “no-cut” sports program offers students in 5th through 8th grades the opportunity to learn sports, build friendships, learn team and leadership skills and most of all, have fun. There are also sports instructional programs for younger students.

Sports Program Registration

Sports Physicals due by July 10th.

Student athletes in 5th – 8th Grades must have a medical form on file in the school office to begin participation in a sport. The 6th Grade Certificate of Child Health Exam may be used as a sports physical, however, a Sports Medical Form cannot be used in place of the Certificate of Child Health Exam.

How to register

CLICK HERE to register.

Important Dates:

Cross Country

Registration will begin May 1 and remain open until September.


Open Registration Feb 1 – 28.

Our Teams

Grades 5-8

Boys’ Football

Girls’ Fall Volleyball

Boys’ & Girls’ Basketball

Co-ed Cross Country

Co-ed Track

Boys Spring Volleyball

Lower School

  • Instructional volleyball & basketball

Booster Committee

Athletic Director: John Baldwin
Treasurer: Ann Ryniec
Secretary: Tracy Nehls
Basketball Coordinators: Brooks Boyer
John Porcelli
Concessions: Nicole Gates
Cross Country Coordinator Anne Schreiber
Football Coordinator: Ed Ranquist
Football Concessions: Carolyn Wind
On-line Registration: Ann Ryniec
Track Coordinator: Steve Harris
Uniforms & Awards: Maureen Casey
Volleyball Coordinators: Kim Harbauer
Erin Moore


About Athletic & Booster Committee [A&B]

The Athletic and Booster committee is responsible for St. Joseph’s interscholastic athletic program for Grades 5-8. There is a “no cut” policy, so it is not unusual to have three teams for one grade for one gender. Consult the Sports Handbook for additional information such as goals, gym etiquette, minimum playing time, fees, and parent expectations.

The Crusader Sports program is the most well-participated, attended and volunteer-intensive program at St. Joseph School. We are all Crusaders and 98% of St. Joseph students participate on a least one sports team. From Cross-Country, Volleyball and Football in the fall, to Basketball throughout the winter and Track & Field in the spring, the Crusader Sports Program keeps our children active, learning, competing and happy.

The St Joseph School Crusader Program’s Athletic & Booster committee is an almost exclusively volunteer organization that funds and administers the athletic programs at the school. The goals of the program include skill development, promoting teamwork, building self-confidence and self-discipline, fostering team and school loyalty as well as physical, spiritual and social growth. Athletes, coaches and parents are expected to promote Christian ideals and good sportsmanship both on and off the playing field and courts. Parental involvement and support are integral aspects of the program.

The Crusader Sports Program is fully-funded through donations and fundraising. It does not rely on tuition money or help from the Parish. The group holds one fundraiser each year, the St. Pat’s Dinner Dance, which helps to raise much… but not all… of the money the program needs to:

  • Maintain the gymnasium
  • Provide uniforms and equipment for all sports
  • Hire referees and officials
  • Rent fields, gyms and tracks
  • Provide playground equipment

What are the volunteer opportunities?

Coaching and being a committee member are the obvious volunteer opportunities. But the fund raising activities provide even more opportunities to help. In fact, each parent is expected to work at least one of the following events or to include an additional $50 “non-volunteer” fee with their annual registration.

  • Parish Block Party (Sept.)
  • Homecoming Committee (Sept.)
  • Forever Green party [October]