
4832 Highland Ave.

Downers Grove, IL 60515

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Faith Formation

Faith Formation


Religious Education is the number one reason parents enroll their children in St. Joseph School. Religious education occurs daily. Each school day begins with a prayer. Prayer as well as an emphasis on Christian attitude is included throughout an average school day.

All school masses are celebrated weekly. As leaders of the school, eighth grade students take an active role as lectors, sacristans and ushers, while students from other grades participate in other roles. Parents and others are welcome to attend student masses.

Catholic values are emphasized in all spiritual, educational and extracurricular activities, including:

    • Daily classroom prayer and religion as a subject in every grade level
    • Weekly mass, with students serving as greeters, lectors, sacristans, ushers and choir members
    • Sacramental preparation is incorporated into the school day with a focus on Reconciliation and First Communion in second grade, and Confirmation in eighth grade
    • Prayer services, rosary, Stations of the Cross, St. Joseph the Worker, May Crowning and Reconciliation
    • Service projects for the parish and community
    • A team prayer is said before all athletic events